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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Secrects on where the hidden clothes are in the catalogue

Hey penguins...
this is where to find the latest hidden items from the catalogues. The first one is the canteen which is in the clothing catalogue where you must click on the rock to get it.
see in picture below,

the second item is the crystal staff which is found in clothing catalogue and you find this by clicking on the stone wall at the back,
see in picture below.

the third item in the clothing catalogue is the blue dragon which is found in the shadow behind the stairs,see in picture below.

the next one in the clothing catalogue is black gradutation hat which you can get by clicking on the coffee cup, see in picture below,

The next on is from the sports catalogue which is where you can get the green jersey by clicking on the soccer ball that is in the air see in picture below..

the last and final one is the gold viking helmet which is abit tricky to get. first click the helmet where the words are 4 times then click the other helmet which is worn by the girl penguin,
see in picture below...

well hoped that helped you penguins. check back for more updates..
waddle on penguins....


  1. u forgot 1.. in the mideival theme with king and princess things- click on the window and there had a woodland hat.. yw

  2. thanks guys you helped me heaps. ill be sure to come to you for more things i might need help with.
